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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

BirThDaY fUN!!

We ceLebratED JoNaTHans BirTHdaY On tHe 14tH Of JaNUarY. I cAN't rEalLy BeLieVE hOw biG He's gEttiNg! We SurPRised Him By drivINg To OUter liMIts wheRE we Ate DinnER and Then PlaYed. JOnAThan and SabRIna wEnt CraZy WheN tHEy Saw wHEre wE WerE HEadEd. We PlaYed FOr SevErAl HouRS. At THe End Of oUr tIme, wE toOk All THe tiCKets anD TraDEd tHEm in foR LitTle TrEats aNd toys. We thEN maDE it HOme JusT iN tIme For frIEndS tO joIn us foR caKE aNd IcE cReam. AlL iN aLl, iT wAs A preTty Fun eveNing!